I've been meaning to post since (literally) the end of March, about how life, work and t'other stuff has been going lately. Sadly, I've been too busy (Easter/Swancon), too run down, or too low on spoons to do much.
However, since some of you have poked me about it and since today is the last day before I go back to work again, here's somewhat of a post about Stuff™.
Work: Continues to suck, because of the ZOMGstupid! levels of how far behind we are, how under-staffed/under-resourced we are, and lack of training available, 'cause Hey, we're too busy to train you properly!' Also, as some of my ever-so-cool friends helped me verbalise/consciously realise over Swancon, a big part of the problem is that I'm doing less direct helping of people and more administration/'paper'-work-y stuff. Thus I don't get anything like the same sense of satisfaction that I got in Support, where people (mostly customers) were constantly coming to me with problems, which I would think about and then (mostly) fix for them. This would hit a whole bunch of my buttons, as I love solving puzzles, I love helping people, and hoo, boy, do I ever adore people asking me for help and/or advice. Provisioning just isn't ever going to give me nearly as much buzz as Support did/does. This Is A Problem, and one I have to think seriously about as, career-wise, I'm in the midst of a thicket of raspberries, as it were.
Swancon: Run down generally, not sleeping especially well, and really missing that boost of energy/bonus spoons I got from loving my job. This means I went through most of Swancon in a daze, having to take a nap on at least two of the days, and thus I didn't get the bonus spoons from Swancon that I normally get, either. The fact that I had no investment in any of the guests this year probably didn't help any. Not that they were bad guests, 'cause they all are/seemed nice/cool folks. And I got a free*
book out of it, personalised/signed by the author. (Note, I actually got a copy of the trade (large) paperback, but despite it being the UK edition, it seems Amazon UK doesn't list that edition. Covers right, though.)
Health: As noted above, have been feeling the stress/contrast of being in a job that I don't adore and aren't especially good at, really hard. This has had no small effect on my physical and emotional health. Exacerbated by the fact that I've had little time/chance to catch up with friends, RL and online, but especially RL. (Including The Housemate, who is ZOMG-insanely busy. As in, working full time, studying post-grad part time, and was also an important part of the committee for Swancon, poor thing.) Forgetting to take my lunchtime pills on the Friday of the Con certainly didn't help matters any, either.
I managed to avoid getting ConCrud, but The Housemate's Boy didn't, it seems, and now he's infected me, so I'm sitting here with a head cold at the end of my 11 days off from work. >.<;
Okay, I was going to write more, but this is already kinda longish, so I'll merely mention that I was going to make a post about how people perceive others, and me in particular, and thus have a reminder to prod me into posting about it later, when I am not out of spoons again. *blarg*
(*) Seriously, folks, all of those in the crowd waiting to get into the Con closing ceremony have major Trivia Fail. 100+ geeks at a SF/F con, and none of you can answer the question: "What gas do they mine at Cloud City on Bespin?" faster than I can? I had to think about it for a couple of minutes, 'cause I'm not a huge Star Wars geek, and in that time at least 4 people answered wrongly! I mean, I can fully understand not knowing what Tybana gas is used for in the SW universe, as it's kinda an obscure fact**, but not knowing what it's called? Shame! ;)
At least some people could answer the other two questions: "Which author first published Mercedes Lackey?" and "What was James Tiptree Jr's real name?"
(**) AFAIK, it's mentioned in passing in one of the novels, which means you do have to be a Trivia Freak like myself, or a hardcore SW fan to know that one.