May 25, 2009 22:14
First day back at work after a week of graveyard shift.
And we were slammed all day long. It's more than a little demoralising as you look up from your umpteenth call in a row to see the way-too-high number of call-backs hasn't changed. If you are lucky, and if not, it's gone up.
8:32 on the clock.
5:50 on the line talking to customers.
Too many damn minutes talking to my Team Leader about a TL in another department, and how he tried to dodge working on a stuff-up in his department. I imagine he's in for an unpleasant shock tomorrow when my TL goes ballistic at the other department's manager.
Me? I just want people to stop calling.
*crawls off to bed so he can be back at work in 9 hours*
Well, that's one way to avoid having to take calls all day. I've gotten barely 3 hours sleep as my chronic pain decided tonight was a grand time to flare up again. Nurofen didn't help, so I'm about to have something to eat and take some Naproxen instead. Called in sick already as I don't want to walking more than a couple of meters at a time until the pain killers kick in. Will head to the GP later today to get a medical certificate.
Hopefully I can get some more sleep, too. ZombieBunny is fun for no-one.
this is my life,