[Beast Wars][Drabble][Airazor/Blackarachnia]

Oct 16, 2015 13:12

Title: Proper Handling
Fandom: Beast Wars
Characters: Airazor, Blackarachnia
Ships: Airazor/Blackarachnia, Silverbolt/Blackarachnia, Airazor/Tigatron
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: When Tigatron is too distant and Silverbolt is too much, Airazor and Blackarachnia have each other.
A/N: Another Femslash February drabble. I wasn’t sure about doing this because it’s been a long time since I watched more than a few episodes of the show, but a few thoughts all hit me at once and here you go. Slightly AU in that the timeline probably has to be kinda borked for this to work.

The thing about Silverbolt- okay, one of many things about Silverbolt- is that he handles Blackarachnia like she’s fragile. If she’s completely honest, a part of her likes that.

The way Airazor handles her, it turns out, appeals to almost all the rest of her. Not too careful, but not careless; cautious, but not timid. Airazor kisses her like she never forgets Blackarachnia might kill her, holds her like she’s ready and willing to fight back if it comes to that.
Someday, Blackarachnia thinks Silverbolt’s attentions will be enough for her. Until then, she blesses the days Tigatron stays away.

character: airazor, fandom: transformers, genre: general, fandom: beast wars, character: blackarachnia, ship: airazor/blackarachnia

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