[Cable and Deadpool][Drabble][Outlaw/Domino]

Oct 16, 2015 13:05

Title: The Company You Keep
Fandom: Cable and Deadpool
Characters: Inez "Outlaw" Temple, Neena "Domino" Thurman
Ship: Outlaw/Domino
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG13
Summary: Grief has driven Domino to some fairly unsavory behaviors, but dropping in for strip poker night at Deadpool’s is a new low.
A/N: Another Femslash February drabble. I only realized after I had this mostly wrangled into shape that Domino isn’t actually in the last scene of the series and thus probably wouldn’t show up to hang out like the others. Oops? Let’s just say she had a moment of weakness this one time. Part of me still kinda thinks I should have gone for Domino/Irene instead, but I always saw it this way for some reason.

The party breaks up a bit as people go to the bathroom or to get refills. Domino goes for the door without comment. Nobody will be sad to see her leave; her powers have served her well tonight.

“Headin’ out?” Outlaw asks, suddenly right there. She’s remarkably at ease, considering she’s lost all but her boots and thong.

“Might as well. Dunno know why I came.” Hesitantly, Domino admits, “Lonely, I guess.”

Outlaw smiles, sympathetic but not remotely subtle when she asks, “Still want company?”

Domino considers, then smiles back. Seems her luck is even better tonight than she thought.

genre: general, fandom: marvel, fandom: cable and deadpool

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