In the beginning, there was fanart, and it was good. Very good. Because it was good, I could not help myself. Icons had to be made. So I did. And here they are.
squeakyorm drew the Young Avengers as kittens, and it should have been ridiculous, but in fact it was brilliant.
GO CHECK IT OUT ALREADY [19] Young Avengers Fanart by
squeakyormsubset: [7] Aretha!hat
001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 015
016 017 018
Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble ♥ Credit to
squeakyorm for the art, plz.
PS IF ANYONE HAS SUGGESTIONS FOR OTHERS, I AM ALL CATEARS. (esp. as some of these are pretty crappy D:)