Feb 10, 2009 21:48

Author: attilatehbun
Fandom: Young Avengers
Pairing/Characters: Billy Kaplan/Teddy Altman
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~800
Contains: towel slippage
Summary: Billy can say without any doubt that this is the first time he's ever been shoved up against a door by someone not intending to beat the shit out of him
Author's Notes: Spontaneous comment!fic for tsaiko


When Billy opens the door to his bedroom and discovers Teddy lying on his bed, feet on his pillow, idly flipping through a comic book, he's surprised. After all, when he went to go take a shower, he certainly hadn't left a Teddy on his bed.

What he had left, of course, were his jeans and his boxers, crumpled in an untidy heap in the middle of the expanse of floor between the door and the surprise!Teddy on the bed. The towel wrapped around his hips suddenly seems no bigger than a handkerchief, and he clutches the knot convulsively and hopes the coverage is enough before attempting to sneak across the floor to his underpants.

Teddy doesn't glance up from the book as he speaks. "Hey, Bill. Your mom let me in, said I could wait up here for you." He flips the book closed and starts to curl up onto his knees. "Hope you don't mi--nnnghh."

Teddy's words die as he finally looks up at Billy, who has frozen in his path to his boxers. Teddy's eyes go comically wide, narrow just as fast, and then--

This relationship is new, and there have been a lot of firsts (then seconds, sometimes leading to thirds) in it for Billy, for both of them, but Billy can say without any doubt that this is the first time he's ever been shoved up against a door by someone not intending to beat the shit out of him. Teddy's hands are pinning his hips, his lips sliding down Billy's neck, before Billy even has a chance to open his mouth.

So of course, when he finally does, it's to let out a strangled laugh as his hands go to Teddy's hips in turn. "Hello to you too, T," he gasps out. Teddy's tongue seems to be chasing the water dripping out of Billy's hair, and, surprise surprise, it's making it a bit difficult to think.

Teddy breaks away, mumbles "Hello," then dives in for a fast, deep kiss that has Billy immediately scrambling to come up with more scenarios that end with Teddy catching him just coming out of the shower. He slides his hands around and squeezes Teddy's ass. Teddy breaks away again and curses against Billy's lower lip, thumbs kneading Billy's hipbones and causing the towel to droop dangerously.

For all his concern a moment ago, Billy couldn't care less.

"Remind me to thank my mom," he says with a smirk, because the vaguely blitzed look on Teddy's face is just too good.

Teddy shakes his head and laughs, and begins kissing his way along Billy's jaw. "Yeah, that'll be an interesting conversation." His voice jumps two whole levels in sarcasm as he mimics. "Thanks so much, mom, for letting my boyfriend in so he can molest me; she'll love that."

"Are you planning on molesting me?" Billy asks around one of Teddy's earrings.


Billy laughs and releases Teddy's ass to grab him by the neck and pull him into another kiss. This one's just getting good when the door Billy's leaning against thumps and then thumps again.

"Biiiilly! Mom says it's time to go to dinner. Come on!"

There's another thump as Billy's little brother tries to open the door. Of course, since Billy's still pinned up against it with all the strength of a boy code-named Hulkling, he doesn't have much luck.

Billy's head thunks back against the wood. "Just a minute, Jake," he says, rubbing a hand over his face.

Jake's voice is slightly muffled by the door, but still clear enough to be desperately annoying. "Are you making out in there? You are, aren't you! Oooooooooooo, Mom's gonna be so maaaaaaaad."

Billy shoves Teddy off him and flings open the door in a surprising burst of speed. "You better not say anything, you little--" he starts, but Jake has already taken off down the hallway. Billy moves to take off after him, but Teddy's hand comes down on his shoulder and he stills.

"Uh, Billy? You might want to, um." He gestures at Billy's waist.

Billy glances down and immediately flushes a shade of scarlet he has never reached before, not even the time when he asked his mother where her new baby was coming from and got a three course lecture on the subject, complete with visual aids (he was seven). The towel's coverage, barely adequate before, is now practically non-existent and Billy scampers, literally scampers, back into his room, slamming the door before anyone else can see.

As Teddy collapses into the chair, red-faced and choking on his laughter, Billy grabs his pants off the floor and starts jamming his feet into the legs.

"Right," he mutters, "pants first, murder later."

This just makes Teddy laugh even harder.


genre:humor, character:billy.kaplan, title:one day i will write, fandom:comics, fandom:young avengers, genre:comment fic, ficlet, ficlet:young avengers, genre:slash, 2009, character:teddy.altman, ship:billy/teddy

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