Drabble - Comment pRon (8) - Easy For You To Say

Apr 16, 2008 12:03

Title: Easy For You To Say
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Office!Ron (for hpchickadee)
Initially Posted: 3.25.08
Pairing/Characters: Ron/Hermione
Word Count: <500


"But the door is open."

"So?" In the stillness of the room, the sound of his zip being lowered seemed impossibly loud. Ron fought the blush rising in his cheeks.

"Anyone can walk by and see. Or worse, come in," he said in a frantic whisper.

"I don't care," said Hermione.

Ron's snort quickly turned to a gasp as she freed him from his trousers and circled her thumb around the head of his cock.

"That's -ah- that's easy for you to say. You're -oh- hidden under the desk."

"Well if you could just keep a straight face," she said, pausing to run the flat of her tongue down his entire length.

Ron hissed and gripped the edge of his desk. "That is not a very good argument."

"I don't really need one, now do I? Now try and keep yourself under control." she replied. With no further warning, she took him deeply in her mouth.

"It's hard to do when you're - oh Merlin, yes."

He gripped the desk even tighter and tried to will the door shut (since Hermione had taken his wand away the second she slipped into his office). He wanted to cry out, to haul Hermione up onto his desk and shag her silly, make her want the bloody door closed, but he couldn't. All he could do was sit there, trying to look as though he was doing his paperwork as usual, as she gently rolled his bollocks in her palm and did things with her tongue that should not be legal.

She released him with a pop and he could feel her lean back on her heels. Even though he couldn't see her, he knew she was smirking.

"Not complaining any more, are we?" she asked before taking him into her mouth again and moaning. Ron could feel the vibrations all the way down to his toes.

He couldn't see Hermione, but he could see the people walking past, just outside, and they could walk in at any minute. Maybe they wouldn't be able to see his gorgeous girlfriend or the things she was doing to him, but they'd certainly want to have a normal conversation, and there was no way that was going to happen.

He tried one last time. "Hermione, please."

She didn't even bother to reply, just squeezed him a bit tighter and sucked a bit faster, and flicked the ridge under the head with the tip of her tongue, and suddenly he was biting his knuckle to keep from yelling as he came.

When he finally fell back in his chair, panting, Hermione zipped him back up and slithered out from under the desk. She perched primly on his lap and gave him a remarkably chaste kiss.

"See, I was right, wasn't I?"


genre:humor, genre:smut, fic, fic:hp, character:hermione.granger, fandom:hp, character:ron.weasley, ship:ron/hermione, genre:p-ron, 2008, genre:het

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