Ficlet - Comment pRon (7) - All This Is

Apr 16, 2008 11:53

Title: All This Is
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Meaningless!Hawt!Ron (for queenb23more)
Initially Posted: 3.27.08
Pairing/Characters: Ron/Pansy
Word Count: ~800


"You think that's clever, don't you Weasley? Do you really think that's going to fool anyone?"

He ground his teeth. "Can't you for once just shut up, Parkinson?"

Her laugh was brittle and she turned up her chin as she spoke. "Oh? And why should I?"

"Because I don't come here to talk to you."

She folded her arms and sneered. "Then what do you come here for? Tell me, Weasley, what could possibly keep bringing you back here?"

"You know," he growled. He crossed the small room in two strides, gripping her by her upper arms and pulling her close. "Don't act like you don't know what this is."

She opened her mouth to say, well, something, but he didn't care what it was, so he kissed her instead. There was nothing gentle, no kindness in that kiss - it was harsh, probing, using lips and tongue and teeth to open and wound.

She responded in kind, thrusting and biting and digging her nails into his arms. She laughed when he cursed at the pain.

"That's what you want, isn't it, Weasley?"

He didn't answer, just kissed her again, shoving her against the wall with the force of his kiss and the weight of his body. His hands dropped to her hips, her thighs, lifting her leg around his waist so he could grind himself against her. She bit his neck as he pulled her blouse open, spilling her breasts into his hands.

"Careful, Weasley, that blouse is worth more than you ever will be," she whispered.

He kissed her again, needing her to shut up, to be quiet, to stop stop stop stop stop He thrust his erection against her again, gloating when her head fell back against the wall and she moaned low in her throat.

"That seems to be worth something, though, isn't it, Parkinson," he asked, thrusting against her again.

She hissed, her hands flying to his trousers and making quick work of the zip. When she had him in her hands, he closed his eyes and grunted harshly.

"Fuck, Parkinson."

"Tsk tsk, Weasley, I thought you didn't want to talk."

"I don't," he said. His lips found her breasts as he lifted both of her legs up, tugging her skimpy knickers to one side and thrusting into her with one smooth stroke. She gasped and bore down on him hard, eliciting an equally hoarse gasp from him.

"Fuck," she moaned, bracing herself against the wall to thrust back against him. His mouth tugged at her nipple as he grinned.

He pulled out slowly and slammed hard back in, grinning sarcastically at her. "Do you even know how to shut up, Parkinson?"

"No," she gasped, hands finding his arse and clenching. "Now, are you going - oh - going to fuck me properly, Weasley, or - yes, fuck - do I need to find someone else?"

He growled against her throat. "It doesn't sound to me like you have anything to complain about, Parkinson," he said, punctuating his words with increasingly faster and harder thrusts.

She simply dug her nails deeper into his skin and squeezed her legs tighter in reply. Pleased, he braced himself with one arm to thrust even tighter and faster, the other hand gripping her hip hard enough to leave bruises.

But she wouldn't let him get the upper hand.

"Oh, fuck, Weasley, yes, yes, oh Merlin, fuck, yes, yes." An endless stream of curses and moans and words flowed from her lips, each aimed at angering him more. It worked; the angrier he became, the harder he pounded into her, slamming her against the wall, his jumper rough against her bare breasts. It did not take long before she was keening in earnest, her body going tight everywhere but her hips jerking against his and her muscles clenching around his cock as she came.

He laughed harshly, not minding her noise this time. She bit down hard on his shoulder to stop him laughing, and his eyes went shiny with anger. She smirked as he resumed thrusting, faster than before. She ground against him as much as she was able, pinned to the wall as she was. He growled at her again, holding her hips more firmly against the wall as he began to lose his rhythm.

"Oh, oh fuck, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming," he mumbled incoherently as his body surged against hers one last time.

She laughed as he panted against her. "That wasn't bad, Weasley."

"You bitch," he said as he slid out of her. "This is the last time, Parkinson. I leave here, and this is done, understand?"

She sneered as she readjusted her knickers and buttoned her blouse. "That's what you say every time, Weasley. Say it again next week, and maybe I'll believe you."

He scowled as he fastened his trousers, because he knew just how true that was.


genre:smut, fic, fic:hp, ship:ron/pansy, genre:p-ron, character:pansy.parkinson, 2008, genre:het

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