[Fanfic] Trick or Treat!

Nov 03, 2010 00:21

 Title: Trick or Treat!
Author: couryielle 
Characters/Pairing: Russia and China, maybe a little bit of RoChu?
Summary: Russia tests his outfit on China and captures an embarrassing photo of his reaction. China is furious and their trick-or-treating plan threatens to be undone... that is, until China's panda saves the day! Human names used.
Warnings: It's rushed, the author's on crack, lame title and ending none :)
Words: 421


“IT’S NOT FUNNY ARU!!” an indignant Yao cried, as Ivan gleefully stared at the photo in his hands. Donning his bloody Halloween outfit, the Russian had been successful at scaring Yao and snapping a not-so-flattering shot of his Chinese shock face. Yao tried and failed to retrieve the dreaded picture, but Ivan held it high above Yao’s reach, laughing all the while.

“I hate you aru!” Yao shouted before marching home in defeat and shame.


Sulking at home and bracing himself for when Ivan publishes that picture and the whole world ridicules him, Yao noticed that his panda has been extra-clingy that day. Touched that at least somebody sympathizes with him, Yao hugged the panda back and began to pour his heart out.

“That Ivan... he’s been bullying me again aru. I’ll never forgive him if somebody else sees that embarrassing picture...”

To his surprise, the panda handed him the said picture, took a pen, and scribbled the words “Ivan says he is sorry for scaring Yao, and hopes you would still go trick-or-treating with him tonight” at the back.

Yao took the photo, read the inscription, and smiled, the thought of Ivan being unable to blackmail him and wanting to be friends again outweighing the surprise that his panda possessed the picture, or could even write at all.

“Well, if he’s really sorry... I don’t see why not aru” Yao said, hugging the panda tighter and planting a kiss on his furry forehead.

“Then Yao doesn’t hate Ivan anymore?” the flustered panda wrote again.

“No, of course not! As long as he doesn’t scare me again, it’s fine aru.”


That night, Yao was waiting for Ivan in his jiang shi outfit when a teapot-carrying collared bear tapped his shoulder.

“Jiiiii~~~” the big-nosed bear smiled.

“Ivan? What happened to your bloody costume aru?”

“I was afraid I might scare you again, so I settled for a cuter outfit. Besides, I don’t even really need to dress-up for Halloween because people are scared stiff of regular me already” Ivan smiled in such an adorably innocent way that would have made other people’s blood run cold, but for some strange reason, only made Yao’s face heat up under his white powder mask.

“Shall we go? We want to be able to collect a lot of candy tonight, da?” Ivan smiled his heart-melting smile again as he took Yao’s hand and made their way down the street.

“Ah, yes!” Yao smiled, snapping from his reverie and catching up with Ivan. “Candy awaits us aru!”


This is my attempt to explain why Russia was wearing what Himaruya-papa (seriously, that name stuck to me sdfdhskf) drew him to be wearing. I wanted to post this on Halloween night, so, well, it seems kinda rushed, and I couldn't think of a proper title or ending OTL


w: fanfiction, c: russia, p: russia/china, f: axis powers hetalia, c: china

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