(no subject)

Dec 12, 2006 21:23

So, I'm getting ready to start dinner, and there's a knock at the door, and I'm thinking "What the hell? No one visits ME. Who could possibly be at my door?" So I open it up, and what do I see? Two ridiculously good-looking guys dressed in collared shirts and ties.

My first thought? "Wow, this really reminds me of Latter Days." Which had me distracted long enough for them to start into their shpeel. "Hello, I'm Elder So-and-So, and this is Elder So-and-So ..." thereby confirming my initial guess that they were Mormon missionaries. Anyway, I thought that movie was an exaggeration, but DAMN, Mormons know how to breed 'em pretty. *blink.* I actually considered letting them come in and talk to me, just to give myself and my friend some entertainment. :D

I also realized after shutting the door that I was wearing my Boondock Saints T-shirt. :D Oh, sacrilege, how I love thee.

Speaking of which: fuck yeah.

p.s. I'm at a loss as to how cuteoverload can generate viciousness?
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