(no subject)

Dec 11, 2006 20:37

I just watched the final episode of QaF and I am SO SAD. I love this show so much, and I can't believe it's taken me this long to watch the final season, but wow. What a way to go out.

(I love how, as soon as winter hiatus begins, everyone starts breaking out their old favorites to rewatch. I think there are at least 3 people on my flist rewatching various seasons of Buffy.)

sideshowkat and blondiusmaximus, I got your cards today! :D They were a lovely way to take my mind off the Project From Hell. Plus my package from Amazon.com, which means I get to watch Superman Returns. Still have not mailed my Christmas cards, but they'll be going out by the end of this week, which means they, uh, MIGHT arrive before Christmas day. :x

Only two days until I am freeeeeeee.

holidays, engineering is teh sux0rs, qaf

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