(no subject)

Aug 04, 2005 23:20

Ahahaha. CUMMING the fragrance.

There are some places no man should EVER go. Even hobbits. ESPECIALLY hobbits.

Also, I got my TV for the dorm room today. \o/ It's 20" and flatscreen (not, you know, like the TV is flat, but like the screen is flat, so just ...less glare). Puuuurty.

Disaster from yesterday all fixed (mostly). My sheets are washed and my mattress has been sprayed with half a bottle of Febreeze. Also, called my date and explained that, no, I didn't hate him, and, no, I didn't think he was being too pushy, and that he needed to check his phone messages. So everything has been put a-right. Thank you for all your warm fuzzies, they were much appreciated. ♥
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