(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 21:16

omg. So Cho looks like my chem lab partner from fall semester (except that she definitely wasn't a Ravenclaw ...). And omgwtf, forget Diggory, because Krum is totes the hottest HP boy so far. :P Although isn't he a bit big to be a Seeker? O.o He makes Harry look like a wee girl.

So I think the entire new cast is perfect, with the exception of Mad-Eye, because he doesn't look AT ALL how I expected. Wherefore is the wild white hair of my imagination? And I imagined grizzled and hunchbacked, but not pot-bellied. >< *fume.* Y'know who would have been the perfect Mad-Eye for me? Kris Kristofferson, as he was in Blade. Add a bit of a hunch and a limp and some scars and a rotating eye, and he'd've been perfect. Nevermind, eruantale reminded me of Billy Connolly, who would be teh awesomest Mad-Eye EVER.

And, p.s., I'm still pissed that Ralph got cast as Voldemort after we fucking petitioned to have him on as Remus. *shakes fist impotently.*

edit: yaye, wank! And wtf, Madam Maxime? Where is teh hugeness? *blink* Okies, second casting dislike.

gof, rambling, harry potter

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