Okay. I have no idea why a fanfic journal would attract the spam-bots like it does, but this is utterly ridiculous. I have turned off anon commenting entirely. I'm sorry to any anons who wanted to comment or review, but I can't take it any more.
Due to a rash of bot comments to this journal, I have and turned on IP-address logging and captcha for anon commenters. Sorry folks, but I'm tired of deleting the random ramblings of mechanical minds.
Partially due to some of LJ's recent changes and partially due to me just liking the way that Dreamwidth runs better, I am considering moving my fic journal over to DW. I'll probably leave this one up, but it may be that all future posts are on that site and not this one. Or maybe I'll just leave links? I don't know yet.
So I just now finished the first draft of "Into the Fire," the sequel to "Out Of The Frying Pan." This fic got huge. It's absolutely enormous, and the idea of editing this monster is a bit terrifying at the moment
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It's not like any actual people read this journal, but for my own reference, this is when I updated the stylings. And I think it's much nicer-looking this way. :)