Nov 17, 2011 23:53
Okay, I was wrong. Some of you DO read my Brass-heavy CSI posts, even if they are completely jumbled, and I thank you very much!
I was feeling a little pissy last night because of comments I was reading on one particular board. They are very quick to crucify Brass, saying how he's on the path to the dark side and being a dirty cop because of his actions in last night's episode. Sure Brass defended the cop suspected of being the murder. The guy was a friend. What's he supposed to do? I guess that makes him bad but what makes Brass truly evil? Brass gives details of what a little girl did when she was given PCP. Her mother gave her this dose and later, when they can prove it, the DA decides against prosecuting it because he said the waters were muddied. After the mother is found dead, Brass says the waters aren't muddied any more. He feels like the mother got what she deserves. But what people didn't talk about was Vartann. Vartann investigated a case where an 8 year old boy was murdered by Kevin Fetzer, the victim found beaten on his birthday cake. Catherine tells Vartann how Fetzer died and he says, "someone beat Kevin Fetzer's face in with an arcade ball? There's some justice in that." Vartann's expression when he says it looked a lot more like satisfaction than remorse. Plus he also says that if Mikey Moran had been his kid, he wouldn’t have waited 20 years to go after the guy. So yeah, neither Vartann nor Brass are sorry to see the murderers get murdered but Brass is evil and dark. Of course Vartann used to be Mr. Lack of Sensitivity but now he's Mr. Perfect because he dated Catherine so he gets to skate. Or better yet, Brass's words, even though Vartann's are the same, have a different meaning because of what Brass did for Ray.
Pisses me off.
My consolation is that I've read a couple of online reviews and none of them put Brass down that path. On the contrary they talk about what a great actor PG is and how it's wearing on Brass to see criminals go free.