Title: Attractive Mailmen 2: Packages (AU)
Author: quinnsan
Group(s): Super Junior
Pairing: WookMin, ShiHanChul
Genre: Crack, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ryeowook’s favorite mailman has a package for him, special delivery.
Beta’d By: self-beta’d
A.N.: Prompt: packages, in both ways. Sequel to
Attractive Mailmen, I recommend that you read the first one so you understand the story better but this can stand on its own. I don’t own any of these boys, although I know we’d all like to.
X-Posted to:
miracle______ Dedication: Lily (
baka_tenshi )
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Ryeowook opened his mailbox, it had the usual bills and useless ads. As he flipped through it all deciding what to throw away and what to keep, something pointy poked him in the back.
“Special delivery for Kim Ryeowook. Sir would you like your package set down here or in your apartment?”
“In my apartment if you wouldn’t mind. I have so much to carry already, it would really help me out if you could do that.”
“Not a problem sir.”
The elevator ride up was quiet, Ryeowook took an occasional glance to his left, where he was standing holding the box calmly with both arms. The elevator dinged, indicating it had arrived on his floor and they exited the elevator.
He opened the door to his apartment, allowing the other in first, he removed his shoes and smiled as he took the box.
“Its’ from my mother, I wonder what she sent me. I’ll go into the kitchen and make some tea, you can wait in the living room.”
As he stood in the kitchen, his package opened ( it was a box of his favorite dessert made just for him by his mother) he felt a body press against his back and arms wrapped around his waist.
“Wookie, your beloved mailman has another special delivery package for you. Would you like to open it in the kitchen or in the bedroom?”
“Mmm I think I’ll open it in the kitchen. I bet it’s going to be the best package I’ve ever received.”
~An hour later….~
Ryeowook and Sungmin both jumped what felt like five feet in the air when someone started banging on the front door. “And you said it was a good idea to have sex against your front door.” Sungmin whispered.
“How was I supposed to know someone would come and knock on it? Here get dressed, I don’t think we want to answer the door naked.” Ryeowook whispered back.
“I can hear you whispering in there Ryeowook now open the door! Hey who do you have in there with you?”
Ryeowook opened the door and standing there was an annoyed Heechul and a very calm looking Hankyung and…
“Ryeowook! It’s nice to see you again. I decided to take you up on your suggestion and I went and talked to Heechul. I’m his second assistant now. Kyuhyun should be coming to see you sometime next week, he got hospitalized 6 times last month because of exhaustion, so I don’t blame him for quitting his job.”
“Are you going to stand there all day talking in the doorway Wookie? Invite your guests in already, I’ll make tea.”
Heechul smirked as he walked past, while Siwon just smiled knowingly and Hankyung gave him a polite hello.
“Hankyung how many times do I have to tell you, you don’t need to be so formal outside of the office! You can be friendly, I won’t bite.”
“You won’t bite him anyways, but I bet you’ll bite the cutie that’s in your kitchen making us tea.”
“That cutie happens to be my mailman and also my boyfriend, so he’s off limits.”
“Tea’s ready~ So, what exactly is it that you guys do? Ryeowook and I have never really talked about it.”