Whistle While you Work...

Aug 17, 2006 12:28

... well, that's not permitted around here, LOL!

It's been a long week at work so far. Ever since I got back to it on Monday, I've been non-stop blitzing my job. After taking Friday off last week for the LAN party, my boss was none too pleased that I was an hour late on Monday :(. Admittedly, I have always had a problem with tardiness, especially with my early AM jobs, but this was bad even for me. The story (or "excuse" if you're my boss) goes that I had to leave late Sunday evening around 6pm to take two of my LAN buddies home in St. Augustine, which any reasonable person knows is 3 - 3.5 hours each way from Clearwater... ugh. By the time I rolled into the driveway, it was close to 2am Monday morning, and although I went right to bed, I was still unable to answer my alarms with enthusiasm.

Consequently, I've put in an extra effort to regain some credibility around the shop, and I think it's slowly beginning to work. If I can be here tomorrow before my boss gets in, I think I'll have re-established myself to start next week (first week of classes) with confidence in my job. I must admit, I'm not very happy to be waving goodbye to summer 2006, primarily because I didn't really realize that it was about to end until, well... today, lol.

I feel like I got a lot done this summer, yet at the same time, I feel like there is so much I could've done and neglected. I traveled Europe, I held a successful multi-state LAN party, and I turned 21.... so what's missing? Perhaps there are some goals yet unfulfilled that I am neglecting to specify, yet know full well that they need to be completed. I have debts to pay, I have money to save, and I have someone to look for. I hate "goodbye"'s, so I'm just going to say "Adieu." Not that this will be my last entry, but historically I am unequipped to keep an updated journal while working and going to school full-time.

I just hope I don't get so wrapped up with school that I forget to have a social life. It's not every year that you turn 21 and still have the motivation to properly celebrate it. I guess it's time I get back to work. I still have pennies that need pinching.


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