Aug 14, 2006 02:37
I don't know if I could be any more tired... okay, maybe if I didn't sleep at ALL this weekend, perhaps I could. Still, I am badly in need of some sleep, a venture I soon hope to conquer. So, you might ask "How did it go already?!"
The LAN was incredible. As with all things involving friends, money, and commitment, we weren't without our hurdles, but all in all, the event was amazingly successful. Of the 18 or so people that signed up and/or RSVPed, only 13 actually showed up, and of those 13, only 10 sat down and played some games while they were there. Still, that's not too terribly bad considering that the last LAN I held was all local players, and at best we had 8 players at all...
It's hard to describe the event without fully outlining all of the finer details, so let's just say that it all came together so magically that I almost doubt that I planned and organized it. Even without several of the more anticipated players, we managed to have a fantastic time together, some of us even meeting for the very first time. The player that traveled the furthest arrived on Friday at midnight from Atlanta, Georgia! To think the hype from my little party would travel so far north... boggles the mind! I'm suspecting that, once the reviews are in, I will be more likely facing upwards of 30 players come the next planned event. I guess I'll have to make pains to ensure a bit more notice this time, hehe.
Not that they read my livejournal or anything... but special thanks to everybody that attended, especially those of you that helped me setup and run the event. Nobody made any money from this venture, yet I think everybody left happy and more fulfilled than when they arrived. Whether it was the long hours of gaming at nearly negligible pings, or the free "humble" breakfasts cooked by BuMHeD himself, it's safe to say that everyone left feeling satisfied regarding the LAN. Of course, I look forward to the reviews to confirm this suspicion...
Man, I can't wait to do this again! Details, LAN Summary, and pictures coming soon! Time to rest up for work :-/