the couch is my friend

Jun 05, 2006 12:30

ah union couches, how you have my soul! i woke up at 5:45ish again this morning. rolled over and opened one eye about an hour later and then fought to keep sleeping until my alarm clicked at 9. my alarm just clicks now. i discovered that when i turned the sound down that the alarm still makes a "click" when it turns on the radio. that click is enough to wake me up. yeah that's how much i'm hyper aware, even in my sleep.

even though i felt like staying home and being a miserable lump with my wad of tissues, i stood under the shower (no twirling) and crawled my way over here. i can be a lump on the couch. if i am having this misery due to the combined shedding of six cats, then at least i am away from the cats for awhile.

had a small round of alcohol sloshing in general acknowledgement of peter's bday at hikawa house yesterday (so has chii dubbed it).  i love magnetic poetry!! haven't written anything in a long time :) made me happy just to stick stuff together, see what comes out. and we all put a bit of ourselves into the house. there was some skipping around salt lines and burninating and other assorted wonderful craziness. oh and the joanne taco.

people are coming and going. there has been a siting of a rick shaped person! whee!
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