Oct 04, 2006 13:29
hey all,
where would be a good place to look for an occasional weekend or evening sitter?? what's the going rate?? i was thinking of putting something up at the local highschool or maybe at the college or uni. ~ a bit outta the way though as we are in killarney. if anyone has a cool kid (the older the better) they can recommend, please do so, here....
a few things we require:
a 'like' of kids, seems obvious, but, it's not
someone who will play with the kids ~ we don't do TV or computers.
first aid and cpr training
no friends/partners ~ the focus should be the weeones
what we offer:
any food/drink you want
drives to here and back home
decent pay (seeing as how we with be rather sporatic with the need of said sitter, say 2 - 3 times a month, we figure up to $10/hr. and never less than $20 total)
no long long hours
mostly weekend afternoons early evenings
and flexibility
thanks in advance :) K