I need to post more often. But I never feel like it.
My date went fine, but I think the guy is a closeted homosexual. He was positively flamboyant in speech, mannerisms, facial expressions, you name it. Maybe he's straight, but just a really gay straight guy. He was beyond metrosexual, I know that much. I sat across from him at dinner, biting my lip to keep from laughing. Anyway, at the end of dinner we both agreed that we're better off being friends (no shit sherlock, I have a vagina!). But I left the date still feeling good about it, I mean, I gained a fun friend. He was super nice, very funny. We might do something next weekend. We're still in contact over email.
My niece Lily has been in town for a week and I've been subjected to endless hours of watching the Disney channel. And I'm disconcerted to find that I actually like many of the shows. "The Witches of Waverly Place" is pretty funny. So is "Hannah Montana" and some other show starring 2 twin boys. It's wholesome but better than I expected. I must be going out of my mind. I need to get back on my regular tv diet of Maury and South Park.
There has been a 44 pound cat in the news lately, named Princess Chunk. I want that cat. I would treasure and love Princess Chunk forever and ever. I would put him on a mild diet (yes, he's a boy) to prolong his life but I really want a big fat furry animal. Our cat Banjo is more like a miniature jaguar, he's long and muscular and bites your face when you try to kiss him. I love him too though.
I went and did bodyfat testing recently. It was in a truck unit outside our gym yesterday. There's this metal bathtub thing, full of warm water. You get in and lay down in it, in your swimsuit. And you put your head under and blow out all the air in your lungs. Then they give you a computer print-out of your body fat percentage, resting metabolic rate, and accurate calories burned for a ton of activities. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the results. I was expecting to get a piece of paper that read something like "Bodyfat: 99.9% = YOU ARE ALMOST PURE FAT". I wouldn't have been surprised if it had said 50% even. But I'm way lower than that. 36%. Which is still obese. But not as obese as most people who are my height and weight. The technician looked at my lean body mass (150 pounds- which is your weight minus all the fat) and said "You must be an athlete, there's a lot of muscle on your frame." And I was a little speechless, because NOBODY ever looks at me and says "Now there's an athlete!". And ok, he didn't look at me, he looked at my body composition. But I was cheered by the fact that underneath the fat, I do indeed have the body of an athlete.
It was also good because it gives a much more accurate picture of my ideal weight. If I go strictly by BMI (body mass index, a function of your height and weight), my ideal weight is between 129 and 169 pounds. But if I were to keep my lean mass (150 pounds) and have 15% body fat (which is in the proper range for athletes), I'd weigh in at 175 pounds, which is higher than the range given by BMI. If I were to lose enough weight to get down to 165 (my former goal) I would be losing a significant amount of muscle along with the fat. And everyone knows I want to be just like Arnold.
I was sick sick sick last weekend and at the beginning of the week. I'm mostly better now, but now my niece Lily is sick.
I haven't pooped in 3 days, and I keep ignoring it because I really don't want to deal with the reality of the subject. But I feel awful and will have to face the facts sooner than later. But just not right this second. Sorry, TMI.