Topeka, Kan. repeals Domestic Violence Law

Nov 09, 2011 21:35

I know this is probably old news to many people, but I figured why not? I'm cross posting this from we_r_the_middle (the political community I maintain), even though I posted this last month.

TOPEKA, Kan. - Leaders in Kansas' capital city have repealed a local law against domestic violence under a controversial plan sparked by budget concerns.

Topeka's city council and mayor approved the repeal late Tuesday, saying such cases are better handled by county or state courts.

The vote comes less than a month after the prosecutor in Shawnee County decided to stop pursuing domestic battery cases and other misdemeanors, citing deep cuts to his budget.

Topeka, the largest city in the county, responded by proposing to repeal its domestic violence ordinance so it wouldn't be forced to pick up the bill for those cases.

Advocates for domestic abuse victims were outraged, saying the plans amounted to austerity run amok. But the city's interim manager says Topeka is now in a better position to negotiate.

I wish I was surprised, but considering I've seen the whole "money is more important than people's lives and safety" mentality before when I've studied disasters *coughSampoongDepartmentStoreCollaspecough*....I'm not. The other kicker is that with this kind of action taking place, how the hell is society's attitude toward bullying going to change when things like domestic violence are still not taken seriously? Color me disgusted

ETA: While I haven't gotten any messages about this triggering anyone, I figured I put it behind a cut anyway. If you were triggered by this before I used the cut, I'm sorry :(

politicans, cruelty, domestic violence, violence, articles, law, abuse, children

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