I have something that members here from Sweden might like to read and listen to. This program is from a site that's of one of the Swedish radio channels and it's a children's program (though they cover issues with teens too). This program actually came out last September.
Here's the synopsis of the program in Swedish:
Ett program där Sara Darir, 15 år, försöker förstå varför unga tjejer med slöja blir diskriminerade och utsatta för hatbrott.
Vi följer med Sara Darir, har också blivit retad för sin slöja, till Diskrimineringsombudsmannen, DO. Hon har något om hon vill fråga;
- Lärare går på kurser för att motverka mobbning men ingen pratar med oss elever om diskriminering, varför är det så? This is a direct translation of the snopysis of the program that I got off of Google Translate (yeah, not the best with translations at times...but you'll get the idea):
A program where Sara Darir, 15 years, trying to understand why young girls wearing veils are discriminated against and subjected to hate crimes. We comply with Sara Darir, has also been teased about her veil, to the Equality Ombudsman. She has something she wanted to ask; - Teachers go on courses to combat bullying, but no one talks to us students about discrimination, why is it so?
For those of you in Sweden or understand Swedish, what did you think about the program?