A blow to Cyber Bullies

Jun 17, 2012 12:03

I got this from one of my friends on Facebook. Thought I would share it here.

THE name Nicola Brookes may not mean much to you right now but it soon could. The actions of this unassuming forty something mother may change the internet, and how some people use it, for ever.

In an unprecedented move, Ms Brookes has secured a legal order from the High Court forcing social network behemoth Facebook to disclose information surrounding the identity of individuals who made her life hell.

In an unrelenting two-year onslaught, Nicola, from Brighton, East Sussex, was branded a paedophile, a prostitute and drug dealer. Her four abusers, apparently working as a team, cloned her Facebook account and used it to send horrific messages, apparently from her, to other users.

The article is good over all. However, I have one bone to pick over this tid bit:
PEOPLE who lead full and productive lives do not become trolls but those who are dissatisfied, and who have mental health issues, often do.
I hate generalizations like this. I doubt all trolls have mental health issues as well as not satisfied with their lives. The generalization is almost as assining as thinking that all bullied people have a pre-disposition of being depressed before the bullying began. Like how some people may have a predisposition of being depressed before the bullying happened, the same goes for this statement that some people that troll aren't happy with their life as well as have a mental health issue. However, the important thing to point out is that NOT all people do in both cases. My deities, these generalizations make me want to facepalm myself a hundred million times. Okay, that's the only thing I wanted to make a complaint about.

So, other than how you felt about the article, what do you all think about this woman trying to get Facebook to disclose info surrounding her tormentors? Do you agree with the critics that were mentioned in the article about how naming and shaming trolls can lead to censorship and damage free speech? Or do you agree with the author of the article that naming and shaming trolls will show that society will no longer tolerate their abuse? Or are you undecided because you agree with both sides to some degree?

anti-bullying, news, depression, cyber bullying, social media, articles, internet, suicide, government, social issues, legistration, discussion, cruelty, disability, uk, bullying, harassment, bullying prevention, reporting, facebook, law, internet bullying, abuse

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