Mar 09, 2005 07:26
So yeah.. my cancer of the throat known as strep or whatever doesn't seem to be going away at all. Me and Yuko went to the movies last night and watched Constantine.. the whole time he was coughing up blood and dieing from his lung cancer from smoking I kept thinking "hmmm I bet I'm gonna die just like that.. and I don't even smoke" and then I thought about how fucking lame it is that I was coughing more during the movie than he was by about 20 times and that everyone in the theater was probably pissed off at me and wanting me to shut the fuck up with my involuntary coughing fits.
But on that note. Fuck people. I noticed no less than 4 prime examples of how people suck ass at driving and why I should be allowed to carry my glock in my car and end their lives at my own discresion. Some dumb cunt actually changed lanes after a stop light turned green.. right into me! Stupid bitch would have hit me if I didn't swerve half into the other lane and honk and flip her off. How the fuck do you change lanes from a dead stop when you are surounded by traffic and you know there is a fucking car in the lane you want to go into?! Wow.. what a stupid cunt. I should have killed her before she ruins anyone elses day. Stupid anti-murder laws.. thanks a lot America.
At least it was a nice day yesterday, me and Yuko went for a motorcycle ride because it was so warm. I was just wearing a tshirt because it was so hot then after going to the store to buy ammo and stoping to visit Toni at work it was getting cold by the time we were going home and I noticed something.. When you are wearing only a tshirt and riding a motorcycle in the cold and you have pierced nipples that are being whipped around in the wind IT FUCKING HURTS. That is all.
Well I'm at work.. I'm bored.. I wanna get the fuck out of here and go home and sleep for a few more hours. A few like 4 at least. My brain isn't awake yet and therefore I can come up with nothing interesting to write about at all... has anyone seen snakes having sex? I bet that would look really funny. Or what about those monkeys with the really big eyes that look like they're always surprised like someone just stuck a finger in their butt without warning.. it bet they look like they're shocked to be gettin it on... or maybe they do just have an extra finger that grows inside their rectums to make them look like that.
I hate it when people hear some shitty Jazz playing and walk by and say something stupid like "Oooh good song", it makes me want to kick them square in the nutsac... sorry that just happened and I wanted to kick that guy.. fucking gangrenous mental defective. You can tell I'm in a good mood this morning right?