Yeah.. I'm still alive.. sorta

Mar 08, 2005 08:49

I realized that I haven't written anything in here in a really long time. Being at work only 2 days a week has thrown my schedule to shit and because of that I never really think about posting in here since I have no set time to do it.
Anyways I haven't been up to too much, I've been sick all week. I got strep throat and then a few days later somehow got pink eye. I figure I just have no white blood cells left and I'm a sponge for disease at this point. Today is the first day I have actually felt a little better since Tuesday of last week. So I'm at work.. bored.. for today and tomorrow. I need to find a second job but I haven't been able to really go after anything seeing as how I'm fucking sick all the time. I can't wait til I get well again so I can rush out and drink myself stupid downtown. I miss hanging out with everyone. Hmm.. this post may be slightly informative but it isn't really funny at all, which is very uncharacteristic of my posts.. and unacceptable. I can't think of anything funny right now though.. I blame it on the disease. Hmm.. you know how rabbits poo out those little round turds? Like pellets sorta. I think it would be pretty funny to make a large bore bb gun capable of loading those turds and then shooting them at people with enough force to break the skin. Cuz like.. you would get shot with poo.. which is funny.. and then the poo would go inside you and you would have to dig poo out of yourself and you might get an infection and die.. which is even more funny. I just realized I have no idea what I'm talking about. Free Willy.
Has anyone been following the Michael Jackson case? I wanna know what he supposedly did to the kid because I would probably find the horrid details amusingly disgusting.. but I don't care enough to actually follow the case or even pay attention to the blips in the news or anything like that.. but I would pay attention for long enough for someone to tell me... so if you happen to know you should like mention it to me or tell me or something so that I can find out and be like "eeeewwww gross what a childfucker" and my day will be better because of it.. somehow.
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