♉3 - action/video

Sep 10, 2011 10:49

[ behold, Goldenrod. your new campeador has arrived! Tavros has been on the fly-or, uh, the bull ride-for weeks, with the express purpose of hastening to Goldenrod. of course, the reason this took almost a month and not, y'know, a week or two, is because he got lost. a lot. lost, and held up by wild Pokemon that he had to direct his amazing team of three underleveled Pokemon to battle, with near-disastrous results, and other various paraplegic shenanigans that I would be heartless to describe here, but which may or may not involve the total destruction of his wheelchair somewhere along the way.

so, as grand as it may seem to ride into a big city on the back of a giant hoofbeast, it really becomes less impressive when you take in the weather-beaten and fatigue-stricken appearance of both steed and rider. ]

We did it, Rufio! Unless I'm reading the map wrong, uhh, again, which is a thing that's completely possible, since it happened so many times before, but assuming I'm not, which I don't think I am, for once...

[ his Tauros gives a snort of impatience. Would you get to the point, already? ]

Right, sorry. Anyway, I think this is Goldenrod. It's gotta be, just, based on its appearance, which resembles the descriptions that were given to me, before.

[ clip clop clip clop... clip... clop... Rufio is beginning to slow down. his legs are trembling. Tavros leans down and pats his neck consolingly. ]

It sure is big, isn't it...

[ ...and then he promptly passes out and falls off of his trusty steed sideways, just in time for said trusty steed to collapse over the other way. bull pileup on aisle four. ]

[ ooc: assume replies to responses on the 'gear come after he wakes up \o\ ]

time: afternoon, location: goldenrod city

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