♉2 - video

Aug 20, 2011 18:40

Oh, cool, I think I got it, there we go...

[ the camera spins around, initially pointing off at a random wall of the Cherrygrove Pokemon Center, but soon shows Tavros, looking a bit worse for wear, but seated in a proper wheelchair. it looks quite comfy. you know, as comfy as wheelchairs get, anyway. ]

So, I finally got to, uhh, this new place, with the help of my new friend, which I decided to call Rufio, by the way, since it seemed like a good name for a hoofbeast that, uhh, is pretty brave, as it turns out.

[ he smiles a little, pointing the camera at the aforementioned Tauros, standing outside and looking in through the window. he snorts agitatedly when he realizes he's being watched, just barely audible on the Pokegear. ]

Also, I got a new four wheel device, which is good, because I don't think Rufio liked carrying me around, and it was also kind of dangerous, and I kept falling off, so, it took a long time to get places. There was a lot of, I guess, tribulation, but ultimately, it turned out okay, and I captured a feather creature, in one of those multi-colored capsules that I had in my bag, so that was pretty cool, too. [ turns the camera his way again, looking just a little sheepish. ]

But, to get back to the thing that I wanted to say, before I started, uhh, saying other things, is that I was going to ask, what's a good place to stay for longer than just a little bit? Like, maybe, a new hive that I could live in, or borrow, I guess. I don't really know how that's, uhh, supposed to work. Anyway, I kind of like this one place that I mentioned being at now, but I don't want to, really, impose on the hospitality here...

[ trails off for a moment and then rounds off that half-finished thought with an awkward shrug. ]

That's all, uhh, I guess, for now.

time: evening, location: cherrygrove city

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