Crunch time!

May 04, 2009 11:54

It is the final week of my two-year nanotechnology program. I graduate Friday. I'm actually sad for it to end, because I have learned so much in the last two years about two subjects I had difficulty with previously--math and science. I feel accomplished.

I have two lab reports to write up for manufacturing, and one for biotech. I also have a lab to do today in X-ray diffraction, three finals (thin films/nanofabrication, X-ray diffraction, and vacuum systems) and a final presentation (on electronic noses). I also have one homework assignment yet to complete, but I need the instructor's help for it--it requires plotting this huge calculus problem into Excel, and I'm just barely getting the hang of statistical functions and using SUM to balance my checkbook.

I still have to find an internship, but I think I'm going to push off on that until I get to Milwaukee, and then stomp the pavement until I find someone willing to take me on for the 72 hours.

But for now, it looks like the move to Milwaukee will be a go. We've got an apartment in our sights in a decent neighborhood (and they're willing to let us keep Pumbaa), both of us have transfer opportunities within the company we're currently working for, and we have enough money set aside for deposit, first month's rent, and moving expenses with U-Haul or Ryder or whatever it ends up to be. (My husband is a squirrel.) And backseatgaffer's business endeavor in Milwaukee is really picking up, thanks to his people on the ground down there. I can't say much more about it until the official word is out sometime in June, but many of you in colgaffneyis already know what it is. Also, it will be convenient because we have tickets to the World Cup qualifier in Chicago, USA vs Honduras at Soldier Field, and so I'm hoping we can use public transportation to get to Chicago rather than having to drive. I'm going to try to get used to using more public transportation and overall living a "greener" life once I'm back out in the real world.

In knitting: I finally finished the stockings I had promised a member of colgaffneyis two years ago, and he is pleased. That makes me feel good about my work. We have worked out a trade deal--he is going to make a new skein winder for my spinning wheel. I like bartering, and wish there was more of it in the world! I never feel like I'm giving enough in return for what I'm getting, but I suppose that if the recipient feels it is a good trade, then it is. Last night I cast on a blue bonnet using a pattern that was adapted from one at Plimoth Plantation. It will be knitted and then felted, much like the Reverend's flat cap. I'm using a silk-alpaca blend from Drops (Alaska) that I was told would felt nicely. It's knitting up kind of tight, though, so maybe I won't need to felt it. we'll see when it gets out to the 228 stitches at the edge. This means my biggest projects yet to be completed are the MacCionnaith (MacKenna) Aran sweater and the Doctor Who Season 12 scarf. Otherwise, it's just socks. (But then, to a knitter, it's never "just socks.")

And today, it is warm and sunny and the trees have leaves on them. It's so beautiful today!
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