Rebel // 45 [Action]

Sep 25, 2010 00:17

[It started rather innocently. After the incident with Adell, Noel was left alone in the apartment for a bit. Surely if she hadn't been affected by these teleporting shenanigans, then she wouldn't have to worry about a thing. Right? She'd been sleeping on the couch just fine all afternoon.

Or wait. Didn't she take a nap on her bed, not the couch? Oh, whatever -- onward! First, it was back in her room. Then the hallway on her floor. And then her stupid tub. But it's fine; it only seemed to like taking her to fairly small distances. After teleporting in front of the front door for what seemed to be the fifth time, Noel sighs, heading over to sit on the couch.

But that's not the couch she sat on. Actually, her feet aren't touching the ground anymore. And it's... kind of chilly. It takes Noel a few moments to register it, but she's sitting on a tree branch. A branch that's barely keeping her up; a branch that's really high in the air.

... Oh. Haha... she can see everyone's roofs. But not the ground; the ground's out of her view thanks to all the leaves. Basically, she's been teleported to one of the highest branches in a really tall tree. Her first instinct? Nearly having a heart attack and grabbing onto the trunk for dear life.

I-It's fine, though! Really! She'll just teleport away in no time! With this in mind, Noel sucks it up and waits patiently.

For thirty minutes.

... Any minute now, Malnosso...

Ten minutes, and still nothing.

... Derp. She's stuck up here, isn't she? In the dark? While everyone's fast asleep? OH GOD SHE'S STUCK IN THE TREE.]

Wh-Why me...? [Those aren't tears welling up in her eyes. Shut up. But sadly, it's not like she can really see someone from below in the position she's in. Maybe if there was some other way to indicate someone was around, but... Noel was really stuck up here. --Or hey! Maybe someone with good ears could hear the girl crying pitifully from up there. Your. Call. 8| And seeing as how it's a teleporting event, threadjacking is highly encouraged.]

!luffy, !sanji, !sheena, !rachel, event, !litchi, !tsubaki, !jin, !bon clay, please forgive me, !kurt wagner, !flynn, derp

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