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[Voice] crisis_rain July 11 2011, 20:44:39 UTC
[So that chick with the tight ass that slaughtered Flynn, injured Yuri and beat the crap out of those other guys with the red hair, was in fact Noel.

Raven hates it when he's right.]

I'll give ya credit, takes a lot of guts to admit somethin' like that.


[Voice] bullet_dance July 11 2011, 21:28:56 UTC

It does, doesn't it?] Mr. Raven... I--

[But what does she even say? She wants to say something, anything, but she's afraid. What if she says the wrong thing? Will they think any worse of her?]

... I can't just... keep hiding.


[Voice | Filtered] crisis_rain July 11 2011, 21:34:03 UTC
I don't really approve of you killin' Flynn like that, not to mention attacking us.

[Not that she actually hit Raven.]

But- I know how difficult it is to face up to what you've done. So, I don't hate ya for what happened. Do ya think you'd be willin' to explain it to me? I've got a filter up.


[Voice | Filtered] bullet_dance July 11 2011, 22:34:45 UTC
[...why does she feel so pathetic for feeling relieved about that. Of all the things, seriously, Noel?

She'll just... comply with Raven. That is what she consented to in her entry.]

...of course. Is there... anything specific you'd like to know, or...?


[Voice | Filtered] crisis_rain July 12 2011, 14:38:32 UTC
[It's not really his business to pry into it, actually, she doesn't have to explain anything to him. But alas, gathering information is never a bad thing.]

You're gonna get this asked a lot, and with good reason too, but what exactly are you? Yer not human, that's for sure. That guy's lightning spell froze you on the spot for quite a while. Am I right in thinkin' that you might be some kind of machine?


[Voice | Filtered] bullet_dance July 12 2011, 22:15:54 UTC

...no. I'm not a machine, but... I'm not very human, either. I-In my world, we're something called the... Murakumo Unit.


[Voice | Filtered] crisis_rain July 13 2011, 18:01:14 UTC
[He can hear how difficult it is for her to talk about this.]

Ya don't need to be afraid of admitting that, you've come this far... But I'm guessing this isn't somethin' you were originally aware of, was it?


[Voice | Filtered] bullet_dance July 13 2011, 18:13:05 UTC
[She shakes her head.] I-It wasn't. [...] Or maybe it was... and I just let myself completely deny it.


[Voice | Filtered] crisis_rain July 13 2011, 18:20:32 UTC
[... A difficult one.]

Are you gonna let what's happened change who you are now?


[Voice | Filtered] bullet_dance July 13 2011, 18:59:02 UTC
I... I don't want it to. I think I'm okay with who I am now, b-but-- after everything that's happened, I feel like I need to change.


[Voice | Filtered] crisis_rain July 13 2011, 19:04:38 UTC
If ya did change, what would you become? Would you be more like that killing machine?


[Voice | Filtered] bullet_dance July 13 2011, 19:07:26 UTC
No! [She's quick to jump on that.] I-- I don't want to become anything like that again!


[Voice | Filtered] crisis_rain July 13 2011, 19:12:03 UTC
Then don't think that you have ta force yourself to change! Ya found out you're somethin' more than what you originally thought, and you're workin' to accept that and admit your faults. That's a hell of a lot braver than most people, so give yourself a break. At the end of the day, you're still Noel Vermillion, right? Even if it doesn't feel that way, that's who you are.


[Voice | Filtered] bullet_dance July 13 2011, 19:22:27 UTC

I'm still... Noel Vermillion. [She's not really... talking to anyone in particular -- just repeating what he just said like a loser.]

Are you sure I shouldn't change? Even for this? [...] Even if... it's to become stronger?


[Voice | Filtered] crisis_rain July 13 2011, 19:23:24 UTC
For what reason do ya want to become stronger? [Oh, he's asking the hard questions, but if he can get her thinking about it, then maybe she can find out what she really wants.]


[Voice | Filtered] bullet_dance July 13 2011, 19:29:59 UTC
[Ahaha...] ...there's a lot of reasons. I-I've never been the most confident person, you know.


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