Cranky bitches

Aug 14, 2006 18:53

Today must be old-bitches-with-sand-in-their-vaginas-attack-Louise day. First the librarian at uni gave me shit. I looked up this video I had to watch, wrote down the number and went up to the desk. I asked for it and she replied "this is a self-help area." I said "Yeah, but the catalogue said it was available at the front desk." She got pissy and looked it up, and snapped at me for not having the number with me (I did you dumb cow, you could have asked me first), and didn't say anything else to me, and I barely walked away when she turned to her assistant and started bitching about me.

Then I was watching my video and taking notes in peace when this middle-aged lady was walking around apparently looking for a place to sit. She came up to where I was sitting, then suddenly said loudly "this is just unacceptable!" and stalked off. A couple of guys looked at me wondering if I said or did something wrong and I thought she was pissed because I had the last available copy of the movie, but she came back and started bitching at us with some Marxist bullshit and stuff about us sitting there looking conformist and something about subtitles (I had my earphones on, so I couldn't hear quite clearly), and then she stalked off again. WTF IS WITH UQ ALLOWING WACKJOBS TO ENROLL. Or maybe she's just some outsider who hates academics or other people who worked their asses off to get into higher education while she spent her youth smoking her brains away and hanging out with other self-opinionated extreme-left assholes.

The rest of day was mostly good since I hung out with Dale and had lunch and stuff, and when I got home the phone rang. It was a doctor looking for my mum, and I had to explain to this lady no less than 3 times that there was no way my mum would be able to call her back today because she's out of town until tomorrow. And then she gave me the wrong number, and got snappish when I asked for it again.

I can handle maybe one stupid cranky bitch a day, but having three at once did put a damper on my otherwise good mood (the second situation is kinda funny in retrospect, but I still don't appreciate getting verbally abused for no good reason).

What's funny is that I haven't been verbally abused by a customer at work. Yet.
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