spilled coffee

Jul 08, 2013 22:04

(ukiss/sistar) spilled coffee
soohyun/hyorin ; pg ; 1295 words
it all starts when she bumps into him, books and coffee flying all over the place.
a/n very, very, very late birthday present for pearlfuchsia. normally i’d give you sooseop, but i just really wanted to write this pairing once. i hope you like it, i love you! ♥

why is livejournal such a bitch when it comes to tables? sorry if you're reading this lol

It all starts when she bumps into him, books and coffee flying all over the place while she yelps and barely keeps herself upright. Words of protest are on his lips, a mean comment about these fools and you have eyes for a reason, but then he catches sight of her eyes (and the blush on her face and those lips she’s gnawing on and oh, look at that cute dimple as she smiles at him awkwardly), making the words die in his throat.

He can’t find any reason to rant at her anymore. Not when he’s just fallen for her in a million different ways.

She stumbles out of his life more elegantly, books clutched to her chest and high heels clicking away on the pavement. He feels his heart break just a little, already reminiscing the sweet smell of her perfume and how lovely her voice sounded when she stammered out an apology.

It’s when she’s already far out of sight that he realizes he hasn’t even apologized to her in return.

Luck seems to be on his side, because after a week of moping and whining about angels who’ve fallen out of the sky and perfection, he catches sight of her. Unfortunately, they’re in one of the busiest hallways on campus and there are three rows of people between them, equaling five minutes of heavy struggling and possible torn clothes.

Soohyun doesn’t want to take the risk of losing her amongst the crowd though, so he cranes his neck and keeps an eye on her. He pushes people aside as she takes a left, hurrying after her and shouting “Hey! Hey you, pretty girl!”

She turns around, as do twenty other people who he waves away, confused look on her face as she points at herself. He nods excitedly, slowing down slightly and finally skipping to a halt in front of her. “Hi.”

“Eh, hello?” Her lips quirk into an amused smile, her head tilted to the side. Soohyun stares at her dazedly, taking in the blush that’s creeping on her cheeks, sees her looking around awkwardly as she tucks her hair behind her hair. “Did you want something?”

“Yeah, I -” Soohyun feels himself turning red as he stammers. “I...eh - I wanted to apologize. For last week I mean.” She raises an eyebrow at that, making it clear that she doesn’t know what he’s talking about. “I bumped into you? Spilled your coffee?”

“Oh, yes!” A look of recognition crosses her face and she nods. “The guy who didn’t even apologize. I ranted about your rudeness for days.”

Soohyun makes a strangled sound and if possible, his face turns even redder at her words. He looks at her in surprise as she bursts out laughing, hand covering her mouth when she sees him staring at her.

“Sorry,” she mumbles. She’s biting her lip to stop from laughing, but a chuckle still escapes and she looks at him guiltily.

“N-no, it’s alright.” He doesn’t want her to stop laughing actually, already addicted to the sound of it. “Do you - let me buy you a cup of coffee, to apologize properly.” Soohyun prays he didn’t sound too hopeful, he just desperately wants her to say yes.

“Okay.” She nods, smile still playing on her lips. “On one condition.”

Soohyun looks at her questioningly.

“You tell me your name. I don’t like strangers buying me coffee.” Her smile gets wider and Soohyun can’t help but smile back.

“Soohyun, my name is Shin Soohyun.”

“Nice to meet you Soohyun, I’m Hyojung.”

Buying a coffee turns into a promise of “let’s do this again”, Hyojung hiding her pleased smile behind her cup and Soohyun doing nothing to hide his own. They part ways after sharing numbers, Soohyun’s fingers immediately itching to type a message, to tell her “this was great” or “are you free tomorrow” but the rules of dating involve not texting back immediately (the next morning, maybe, if this was even a date, that is).

She sends a text message later that night, asking if he’s available the day after tomorrow, because there’s this nice place she knows just outside the campus would you like to come with me?

Is this your way of asking me out on a date?

Her reply of well, since you didn’t ask me… makes him chuckle and he quickly confirms that yes, he’s free and yes, he would very much like it to be date. He lays back on his bed later that evening, stomach full of butterflies, a big smile on his face.

He sighs when he realizes he’s probably halfway in love with her already.

Their first date is sort of a disaster, with too many awkward silences and not enough shared interests, but as they leave the restaurant later that evening she’s back to smiling brightly and it makes his heart flutter all over again. She grabs his hand boldly, intertwining their fingers and sending sparks all through his body.

Her place is far too close to the restaurant, the comfortable walk back home over before it even began and his fingers already ache at the thought of letting her go. “I should really go inside,” she says eventually, but she’s still holding his hand.

It happens naturally then, the way he pulls her closer, hand reaching up to tuck a loose stray of hair behind her ear and knuckles brushing her cheek - she closes the distance, standing on her tiptoes and leaning her weight against him. The kiss is simple, a brush of lips, nothing else, but perhaps that’s what makes it even more perfect.

She whispers goodnight against his lips and he reluctantly lets her go, not leaving until he gets a text that she has safely reached her apartment. Five minutes later Soohyun gets another text, I miss you already and he promptly turns around, telling her to look outside the window once he reaches her place.

Her laughter rings through the night as she hangs out the window, telling him to just go home already, “it’s late” - but he’s still standing there twenty minutes later. She finally gets him to go home when her neighbor yells at her and he leaves with the promise of meeting her after her lecture the next day.

She bumps into him, books and coffee flying all over the place while she yelps and barely keeps herself upright. He catches sight of the blush on her face and the cute dimple as she smiles at him in embarrassment, making the words die in his throat.

“Why does this keep happening to me?” She mumbles, smoothing out her clothes and frowning at the coffee stains on her shirt.

“I would say sorry, but… it’s not my fault this time.” Soohyun bites his lip to keep from laughing while she glares at him, offended look on her face.

“It’s your coffee that spilled over me!”

“Technically it’s your coffee.”

Hyojung shoots him one last playful glare before turning around and walking away, not looking back to see if he’s following her. “You better buy me a coffee in apology,” she says once he has reached her side. She raises an eyebrow in expectation, waiting for some sort of protest, but Soohyun just shakes his head in amusement and smiles at her, giving her a soft peck on the lips.

“Of course.”

[ Later, much later, he'll tell her that was the moment he truly fell for her, because of her cheeky smile, the look of determination on her face, the way she scrunched up her nose after the brief kiss. He'll also tell her that it was the first of many times and that he still keeps falling for her in a million different ways, over and over again. ]

fandom: ukiss, !fic, fandom: sistar, ♥ : soohyun/hyorin

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