May 10, 2010 19:45
I posted on a CMT board to invite them to look at my blog. As great as you guys have been, i'd love to have people that really understand what I'm going through read this. Although every person with CMT is different as is their upbringing and experience. For instance, many won't get what the big deal of putting braces on is, doing it within the insular frum community is harder, I think.
Speaking of which, i was at my sister for shabbos. she thinks i'm crazy for even considering getting the braces. she had them once in HS and was like never again. Tells me they were uncomfortable and embarassing. I said we're older now and they've come up with newer models than 15 years ago. She said try to fix it from within, she is a big believer in dieting right and vitamins that a PT recommened and she feels are helping her.
Her youngest son (out of 5) is 19 months and still not walking....classic CMT sign. She is upset by this and just hopes and prays he won't need braces. I started talking about it and she mentioned I should be quiet. Later, she told me she doesn't want her other kids knowing. In general, she wants to keep it as quiet as she can for as long as she can. She is more yeshivish and a lot more into the whole 'hiding everything' that their society is based on. I totally get it and her even though I think its awful, i realize that is what she needs to survive in the shidduch world. Whatever, we'll see how everything plays out in years down the line.
Gotta make the appointment but i've been soooo busy lately. i ocassionaly do outside evals, id say an average of once or twice a month. An evaluator that does a lot of these is in Israel for 2 weeks so i've been getting alot of extra evals. I generally don't turn them down, they are an extra $150. Yes its before taxes but still its completely extra and free and its usually not so time consuming cuz they come to my work. I did two last week. Almost finished typing one up (thats the worst part for me), barely started the other. Then there's one scheduled for Wed at 2 (frum person in their home) and one for Thursday at 3 (non-Jewish at a kids day care). And one more next monday. And this is all before shavuous!! Whatever, its going to be tons of extra work and less time for my paperwork at school and plus I am also starting to do the slide show for the end of the year thing which they are giving me an extra $500 instead of the $400 from last year. And in between all, we should be hearing back from the grant and SONYM people to see if we have a morgtage....and this is besides taking care of my two yummies, house, hubby, self, etc etc etc.
so life is busy....too busy for braces....not really i guess but i just haven't gotten around to it yet.