Happy Birthday
in anatomy today we all got out blood typed. well those of us who wanted to anyway, which was really msot people, it was neat, they didnt take enough blood to find out positives or negatives, but they could tell you, A, B, AB, or O. I was B. the only one in the whole class! it was pretty cool.
my productive day in ethics consited of me writing BAD poetry. this is what i got... still on the grandma kick...
I saw a shining star shoot across the sky
i thought of you
the phone rang and i began to cry
i thought of you
A smile that lights up the world you would never again bring
i thought of you
A beautiful voice that would never again sing
i thought of you
They had you laid out for all to see
i thought of you
the person i saw was not you
i thought of the real you
a scrapbook of memories in heart and mind are all that is left
pictures and stories that could fill a book
wait and hour after eating before you swim
don't go barefoot in winter
always carry a plastic bag - you never know when you will need it
girls you will never get married unless you carry a purse
the more you stir shit the more it stinks
it all comes out in the wash
and most of all
I love you XXXOOO grandma
so there it is my poem and tribute of the day.
one day my life will be back and maybe theses thoughts and tributes will slow down, but until then... if you are tired of them, or think i need to get over it, then DONT READ IT! :-P
let see what else is going on....
Harlan came over, as did Jessica to come see her toy boy.
they loved it
have two papers i need to write
one for ethics and one advocating for someone with a disability
gonna write advocating that daycare workers need to have atleast one hour of Special ed training a year, special ed kids go to daycares too and its not fair to them to go to a daycare where the empoloyess who must have 12 hrs a of training a year never get ANY special ed education, as to how to relate to them, and keep them on their level and not treat them like they dont know whats going on, or treat them like a baby.
anywho.... gonna go watch some TV, and rewatched Charmed at 10 on TNT because i didnt really watch it on sunday... i listened to it....