Manipulation (n): 3. Skillful or artful management (
Editing and doctoring photographs has been around almost as long as photography itself, but over the years, the practice of digital image manipulation has become much more commonplace and fake photos are becoming harder to detect. Adobe Photoshop’s capability to blend real photos with vibrant colours and images highlighting beautiful details makes it one of the best for this kind of work.
Commonly referred to as ‘Photoshopping’, digital photo manipulation has for sometime become a popular pastime, and many including myself consider this photographic fakery to be a new art form.
Here are 10 impressive examples of Photo manipulated images from a few exceptionally talented Photoshop artists.
1. Fruit Manipulation
2. Vertical Turn
3. The Smoke
4. Paper Cut (Monkey Man)
5. Own World
6. Smoke and Ashes
7. Shattered Limbs
8. Water Painting
9. Concept Design
10. Smoke on the Water