If God made you He must be in love with me

Aug 30, 2005 22:10

I am sure you are all desperatly wondering what I did due to the storm.. so here it is

So due to our power being out last night my whole family spent our evening sleeping in the den. My room was 2 hot to stay in. My dad snored the whole night- don't know how in the world my mom puts up with it.

Then went out to Moe's to eat with kris and caroline. Then off to Jody's to enjoy her power. While rumaging through the closet i found chicken soup for the teenage soul- the game! So we all decided to play. It was the most hilarious game ever- suppost to "build friendships" and "help you open up" and "grow closer" Some of the questions were like, " what is the friend with the most nose hair's healthiest eating habbit?" It brought us hours of amusment and finally Mamie was crowned the best friend of all. Despite the lameness sounding factor of it- it was rather fun. And the sisterhood of the traveling pants soundtrack is so good!!

then off to pedro's to get smoothies... the we went to go see red eye. Ran into Lane, Aaron, and April there. It was a really good movie- i screamed the WHOLE time.

So i very much enjoy no school days! I am hoping  we have another one tommorow.

On a more serious note church was so amazing Sunday. Rick talked about terrorist and how the reason we don't know how to stop them is because they value their cause over their life. How true is that? I mean what would happen if Christians started living like that? Actually valuing God's glory over our comfort over our very lives. And he talked about Paul and how the world could do nothing to stop him because it could do nothing to discourage him. How Paul had already been beatened, already been stoned, already been thrown in prision and he valued nothing over the cause of Christ. I wanna be like that so bad, I want to value Christ over my own life. I'd rather die for Christ than live for myself. I'm trying, I'm praying to live like that. To die to myself, to my will. Do you ever feel like such a hypocrat? I mean I love Jesus with all my heart and I try to act like His child, but I know i mess up so many times. Thankfully He forgives and He can use anything to bring glory to His name.I just want people to see Christ when they look at me and not myself. I want to dissapear.....

"My gracious favor is all you need.

My power works best in your weakness."

So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses,

so that the power of Christ may work through me.

Since I know it is all for Christ's good,

I am quite content with my weaknesses and with insults, hardships,

persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Haha thats one thing I can bring to the table- my weakness.

So what did yall do to pass the time on your day off??

I love yall so much!
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