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Aug 24, 2005 19:12

I am so worn out and I don't even know why. .

So jr. year... we're only what 7 days into it? I am liking the aspect of being able to drive, hanging out after school just talking. And tailgating to football games. Classes so far not that challenging, but just lots of homework- i mean a lot of homework and I hear its only going to get worse. I'm really liking yearbook- there are some awesome people in that class.. And I can visably see God moving this year., and how those trials last year were part of His plan.

God is teaching me so much about His strength, and how I should be dependent on Him for everything. This Sunday she had us go around and in two sentences say what God was doing in our lives. Two sentenses seems so inadequate to describe just how BIG God is and how much He is teaching me.. So here's a little more

Psalm 145:15-18
The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.
You open your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
The Lord is near to all who call on Him,
to all who call on Him in truth
He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him;
He hears their cry and saves them
The Lord watches over all who love Him

God showed me that verse the first day of school.
It's funny because when i finally admit to myself that sometimes God may get more glory in my trials, and I pray for his glory no matter what the outcome- or what it cost me- He removed those trials. Just when I accepted His will, and not my will= that was what He wanted. For me to just completly trust Him. That was my lesson, to praise Him no matter what. Oh and I am learning about obedience without understanding. Cause thats hard for me, I like to have a reason if I am doing something other than, "Lara this is where I want you to be in your life, so go there." I tend to ask God a lot of questions and worry about it. Its funny how different my view is from Him, and how I constantly have to try to look at things from His eyes. How its not just something you can do waking up in the morning and be done with it for the day. But its a moment by moment struggle aginst the flesh. But whats that saying two steps forward one step back, at least you are one step further than when you started. So we are all works in progress. But thankfully we have a God that is drunk with love for us. That is just beyond me....

***Kelsey, I am sorry for that today. I seriously was not thinking Haha sorry if i made it awkward but I love you so much girl! ***

If yall need prayer please comment... you can do it annonomously or what ever- but let me pray for yall

Hope school is going good...

Oh yeah and here's some pics from forever ago...

trying to look scared after seeing skeleton key... which i really was scared out of my mind!! But i ended up looking just scary

I'm growing quite fond of these girls

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