Top 5 Slash Authors Who I Really Wish Would Write More Fic!

Nov 01, 2006 15:02

OMG!!! I never thought I'd make it! My last old-school rec list!!! (Don't worry, I've been saving links all year, so I'll be back for the 2006 rec period... lol) Anyway, these are authors who have (seemingly) finished writing in the fandom and who's work you might want to check-out before they not only stop writing, but start pulling their fics off the net:

1. Realmitzvah
I love all of her Giles/Xander stories to bits and, if you tried them, I bet you would too. To try one I haven't recced here yet, maybe check out the series that starts with Stay a Spell...*winks*

2. Willie J
So what if A/X is my OTP? Every story on this page is a must read! Trust, me, give her a try, I promise, you won't be sorry. (You might want to start out with my personal favourite Sold)

Mainly a Spander writer, but don't hold it against her *g*. For one that hasn't been recced here yet, try A World of Their Own. Yeah, it's as sweet as it sounds...

4. Jenny
This woman is a MASTER Spangel novel writer. If you want to see why so many of us are sad that she's seemed to have gone off writing fanfic, just check out how far her writing has come by reading Dark Domain, the first story of her as, yet unfinished trilogy... maybe if you chime in with the rest of our voices and implore her to finish, she will...*pretty please*... *pouts*

5. The Brat Queen
Well, I think we've all managed to rec the crap out of her on this list, so I'm not the only one who misses her fic, but to try a lesser known fic, you might want to look at Stragegy... see, even the obscure ones are fab!

pairing: xander/spike, form: archive, cat: slash, pairing: xander/giles, pairing: xander/angel, pairing: angel/spike

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