Top 5 Humor Fics

Nov 01, 2006 14:53

1. Queer Eye for the Spike Guy by redsrule1 - All - Crossover with the Queer Eye series, set in AtS S5. In a fit of one upmanship, Spike decides to call in a little help.

2. On Location in Egypt - by dessert_first - NC-17 - AU A cast of, well, practically everybody in the Buffyverse, only they're in a completely different business from fighting evil, and definitely having more fun at it. Or at least Xander would be if only it wasn't for his detested ex co-star and lover...

3. Amnesia!Spike by mahaliem - R - Pretty much summed up by the title but funny and sweet.

4. The Ribald Adventures of Pirate Angelus and William - by violethamster - NC-17 - Sheer silliness that makes with the funny.

5. Nicolette Says Jump by kalima - Mature - Spike ropes Xander into an evening they'd rather forget, only the digital photos won't.

char: ensemble, cat: crossover, pairing: buffy/spike, pairing: xander/spike, cat: humor, char: spike, pairing: angel/spike

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