Classic recs: The post of extreme randomness

Oct 24, 2020 11:21

Meta, Reactors, Vids and Artwork work that deserve some love.

Fandom is a City by ruuger is a lovely essay on the rise and fall of fandoms - about their longevity and fleetingness and the traces they leave in their wake. The author puts it far more eloquently than I could so go read. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

I’ve been getting sucked into watching a few Reactors. It’s a concept I hadn’t come across until a few months back and I was very wary because there’s the potential for real self-indulgence, or deceit if people are only pretending to watch for the first time. However, about a month back I discovered Liam Duke and got hooked He’s a Brit who swears a lot (warning if you’re offended by that) and I love how genuine his reactions are and how passionately he’s come to love the Buffy 'verse. I also appreciate that he’s not afraid to form his own opinions - as well as loving all the standard episodes he adores I Robot, You Jane and defies anyone to tell him that he shouldn’t! *g* He’s not afraid to get really emotional, his critiques are intelligent and well thought out and he’s very funny on occasion. His end of season round ups are also epic. He’s a fervent Willow/Oz shipper, but I appreciate that he has real affection for all the main characters and is very clear eyed about all their strengths and flaws. He’s half way through S7 of Buffy at the moment and the same on Angel S4. Well worth a look if you haven’t watched any reactors before - each of the Buffy and Angel series has it’s own playlist. (I’ve also dipped into an Australian reactor called After Show Reactions, but haven’t seen enough to form any kind of opinion).

I couldn’t fit another vid into my vid post the other day, so I’ll add this one here. Everybody Loves Me by cx93 is another great Buffy ‘verse Ensemble vid and again, the editing is really on point.

I usually stay away from reddit because that way madness lies, but I did follow an intriguing link last year on the su_herald that led me to these lovely Buffy 'verse movie posters by swallowedshark. There’s real time and skill gone into these so they are worth a look.

I’ll finish this list of extreme randomness with another meta. I read this many years ago, but came across it again recently and it still intrigued me. Buffy and Xander Character Comparison - Dealing with the Monster by shadowkat67. There’s some really intriguing thoughts in this and like all good meta you don’t need to necessarily agree with everything, but it will definitely make you think.

char: ensemble, form: essay, fandom: btvs, char: xander, char: buffy, cat: commentary, cat: group work, fandom: ats, form: manip, cat: episode-specific

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