Classic recs: 5 rare pairings fics

Oct 23, 2020 10:48

I love rare pairings fics. I’m so ingrained in the characters and the ships that I write that it’s a real joy to be challenged when I come across stories that make me take a step back and think wow, the author really makes that pairing work. (Where possible the entries are on A03, but unfortunately not all are available there.)

Slow Learners by glossing is beautifully achy and bittersweet Devon/Xander. Oz has left and Xander is bereft. Devon provides solace even though Xander isn’t gay. This is gorgeous.

Story Teller: Where the Wild Things Are by Brighid is Spike/Andrew. Before you shudder and run a mile, it’s only fleeting but oddly touching. Spike recognises a spark of unexpected commonality and thinks about the cost of being human.

Naked by Mad Poetess is Oz/Lindsey. Two men with different philosophies about ‘nothing’ meet at a truckstop. This is lovely and dreamlike and lyrical and I wish I’d written it.

Nothing Like Hoffman by naol is Giles, Willow. It’s the summer after graduation. Xander’s on his road trip and Buffy is curled up missing Angel, so Willow passes the time helping Giles with his books and starts to think about being a woman rather than a girl. This is sweet and funny and the voices are perfect.

Kindred Spirits by nwhepcat is Ethan/Dawn. Despite the ‘no way in hell’ thought of this pairing, because it’s by hepcat, you know it’s going to be good and it is. Twenty-one year old Dawn has a crush on a visiting Professor. Trouble is this professor isn’t all that he seems. I’m know this has been recced before here, but it’s worth repeating because it’s a hell of a ride.

(Talking of rare pairings, here’s a bonus entry- a vid by humblequill - Accidently in Love featuring some crack pairings. I think the filter on the videos tells you all you need to know about looking at this through rose tinted glasses. I kind of hate myself that this vid makes we want to have a go at writing Buffy/Wesley! *g*)

cat: btvs s7, char: ensemble, form: ficlet, pairing: spike/andrew, cat: humor, pairing: xander/devon, char: willow, char: giles, cat: btvs s4, fandom: btvs, form: fic, form: vid, pairing: oz/lindsey, pairing: ethan/dawn, cat: btvs s3, cat: postseries, fandom: ats

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