5 Prompt Fills That I had Special Interest In

Jan 25, 2013 21:53

So, this is a completely gratuitous list, but here are 5 prompts that were either requested by moi, or were requested by others but caught my eye. Note the rating/warnings, as I lean towards the dark side.

Title: Fractured Mirror
Author: shakensilence
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Dark!Willow/Vamp!Willow
Summary: Halfrek grants Xander a wish in the episode “Two to Go.”
A/N: These are just a couple deleted scenes... in theory they could fit right into the episode without changing anything.
Warnings: dub-con, bloodplay, breath play, character death
Prompts: threading a needle, broken glass, bootlaces, "every me in every you", candle wax, spanking, pain/pleasure. I fit in what I could.

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Title: Like Mint and Honey
Author: snowpuppies
Fandom: BtVS/Firefly
Character/Pairing: Willow/River
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Highlight for Warnings: ** very light innuendo**
Summary: "Dramatics aside, it really has been centuries since she's felt the stirrings of want in her loins..."
Word Count: 680
A/N: for ladycallie, who requested: "Willow/River: antebellum, ancient lives, the guilty party is right here in the room, but no one can assume the high ground." I'm not sure that I got all (or most) of this in the fic, but it's where my brain went so...hope it suits either way!

Click to read

Title: Strawberries
Author: snowpuppies
Character/Pairing: Faith/Willow, mentions of unrequited Faith/Buffy
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: R
Highlight for Warnings: ** mentions of non-con**
Summary: "She tastes nothing like strawberries."
Word Count: 300
A/N: for ladycallie who requested Faith/Willow with the first line "She tasted nothing like strawberries."

Click to read

Title: Nightmares are real
Author: consumedly
Characters/Pairing: Faith/Xander
Rating: NC17
Warnings: rape / dub. con.; body swap; mishmashed seasons
Sumary: He was trying to crawl, to run away.
Prompt: by lusciousxander@ whedonpb
Word Count: 901
Note: Here's the prompt and the part that's inspired me - Xander deals with being the victim of Faith's attempted rape/murder in Consequences. Gender reversal, boy as a rape-victim and girl as the rapist - Faith finds herself alone with Xander in Giles' office and finishes the job, raping him in silence with his friends right outside researching, Angel walks into the library and hears/smells it.

Click to read

And lastly, this fall I participated in , and refined the prologue of my post series Willow/Tara Egyptian mythology retelling of Isis and Osiris, Enchantment Passing Though. I was lucky enough to have teragramm as my cover artist, and she made me not one, but two beautiful covers for my story.

Larger cover | Alternative cover by teragramm

char: willow, cat: crossover, cat: bdsm, form: ficlet, cat: darkfic, fandom: btvs, pairing: willow/river tam, form: banner, cat: vamped human, pairing: xander/faith, cat: femslash, pairing: willow/tara, pairing: willow/faith, cat: episode-specific, fandom: firefly

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