More Than Words (Buffy/Chao-Ahn, R) This fic, set post-Chosen, gives Chao-Ahn a voice and shows her POV when a patrol with Buffy gets unexpected sexy.
Ancient (Buffy/Kaylee, R, crossover with Firefly) Featuring an immortal Buffy, the world weary slayer is written perfectly and her relationship with Kaylee is touching.
Open Season (Buffy/Fred, PG) Fred and Buffy meet in the wish!verse in a darkly sweet snippet of another life near Ohio's hellmouth.
Ten Candles (Buffy/Tara, PG-13) A sympathetic exploration of Buffy and Tara's relationship in ten different moments.
Staying Around (Buffy/Kendra, PG) Kendra stays in Sunnydale after Whats my Line in this splendid AU from her POV.