5 Things That Made Me Laugh in 2010

Jan 05, 2011 11:57

These are just a few of many, but we must start somewhere. Also, please note that these selections may contain things other than high hilarity, such as "awww" moments, or even a trembly lip here and there.

Wedding From Hellverse by shapinglight  (PG13)
(Buffy/Spike, Ensemble) Good lord! *choke* The Something Blue spell never entirely broke, and the wedding is going forward, complete with bridal showers and bachelor parties -and with Drusilla a bridesmaid and Angel a groomsman. I dare you to get through the story of the actual wedding day ( Killer Brides From Hell) without at least 3 LOLs.

Mrs. Cuddlesworth the Vampire Slayer by the_visitor  (PG)
(Gen) In 1886, a new Slayer is called, but for once it’s not a young, malleable girl.

Traditional Love Stories by tashlae  (PG)
(Buffy/Spike) This is not a love story. There's too much attempted murder for that. It begins thus: Into every generation there is born a Slayer. Yadda yadda yadda.

There Goes The Cavalry by beer_good_foamy  (PG13)
(Spike/Andrew, sort of) Spike is inappropriately grateful for Andrew’s help during the NFA alley fight. Oops!?

Spuffy vs. Mecha Godzilla by quinara  (G with innuendo)
(Buffy/Spike implied) There’s trouble in downtown Sunnydale, and Xander knows just who can save the day!

char: slayers, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: btvs, pairing: spike/andrew, cat: humor, form: fic, cat: gen

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