Top 5 LJ Communities

Dec 20, 2005 14:42

What would we do without our communities and the time commitments from all the many people who run them, as well as the people who join in to make them work? Here’s to just a few who started up or made new efforts this year.

(1) summer_of_spike - Fabulous project last year and fabulous again this year. People here are ridiculously talented and creative. I’m sure there were seasonal LJ communities before it came along but I know this project has inspired a number of other similar seasonal tributes to characters and ships. And it's a great spot for new people to realize just how much goes on. It was one of the first communities I joined when I was starting out.

(2) btvs_award_info - Although I’m not a fic writer myself, awards are often great resources to find new stuff, and something like this community had been needed for a while, I think, to pull together all the diverse news about the activities (and comings and goings) of awards. They've started a website for more information as well. Kudos to them, the people who run all those many award sites every year, as well as to all the people during the year who nominate fic to these sites. I know the authors appreciate it enormously.

(3) bc_updates - Why bc_updates and not bloodclaim itself? Because to me, the updates are an example of what makes bloodclaim such a great ongoing community. I love me some Spander, but a while back I had to sign off the community because it was so active the other parts of my flist disappeared (this was in my pre paid-account days). Apparently I wasn’t alone and Updates was launched so people could have better access to the material. I may rarely get to read the variety of stuff that comes through, but at least I can keep up with what’s happening.

(4) darker_spike - Although it also includes fic I think this is a particularly great forum for a variety of artwork, with constant challenges and contests going on, and some helpful recaps of all the activity, which is often too much (for me at least) to keep pace with.

(5) club_joss- Being a librarian, the idea of a book club for fan fic sounded great to me. There’s been some really good selections this year too, and even though I’m not always able to keep up with the weekly readings, it’s something I hope continues. On the author side, a nice opportunity for concrit if it’s wanted.

form: awards, form: community

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