Mostly Spander grab bag

Dec 20, 2005 09:40

Looking through my memories on LJ, I found I actually saved some stuff. Instead of thinking I should and then not getting to it.

In no particular order:

savoytruffle--They Tell Me It Rained. Eight parts and I couldn't wait to read each part.

entrenous88--A Day at Home. You're in safe hands when entrenous88 is doing the writing.

_beetle_--It Gotta Be The Season. It's sort of Christmasy and 'cause it's _beetle_, it's darn good.

No Spander list of mine would be complete without something from witling.

And now for something completely different. The comic at the beginning of summer_of_spike. Because I loved it. Mmm...cartoony.

(Darn, darn, darn I knew I'd screw this up. I forgot the one that started me thinking of doing this. othercat's Forty Acres.)

cat: holiday, fandom: btvs, pairing: xander/spike, form: original artwork, form: fic, form: longfic

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