Five Fav Giles Fics

Jan 10, 2009 23:49

Better With Age by cindergal
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Giles/Anya
Why I chose this: I love the parallel between well worn jeans and Giles. As well as the bookending of the question "Who do you think is the sexiest?"

Remembering the Girl (Dodderings of a Forgotten Watcher Remix) by mommanerd
Rating: PG
Pairing: Giles/Anya
Why I chose this: I love the exploration of Giles' loneliness, of realizing a lost past that there's no way to recover.

Claws of Dust by quinara
Rating: PG 13
Why I chose this: While the primary characters are Giles and Spike, it's all about Buffy. Giles will go as far as it takes and then some to protect her.

Behind the Curtain (The Kaleidoscope Remix) by sunnyd_lite
Rating: G
Why I chose this: Angsty, older, wiser Giles.

A Short Rest by antennapedia
Rating: G
Characters:Giles, Xander
Why I chose this: I'm a sucker for gentle kindness and righteous anger.

cat: remix, char: giles, pairing: giles/anya, fandom: btvs, char: xander, form: fic, cat: postseries, char: spike

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