In an aging fandom like ours, it's always reassuring to see an influx of new blood every year or even every couple of months. Here are a few of 2008's enductees and fics of theirs that I enjoyed. The list includes a selection of gen and pairing fics of varying lengths.
A Man of Many Colors by
snickfic Oz, G, through BtVS S2 "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered"
Summary: A character study through Oz's hair dying decisions.
Review: Talk about bang for your buck. Snickelish takes one facet of Oz's personality - his ever changing hair color - and goes the distance with it by digging deep and creating a backstory that does a lot to shed some light on a character whose past and inner workings were barely even touched on in canon. I felt very satisfied after reading this and more than once thought, "Yes. That makes so much sense." Creative, deep, and somewhat sad, this shot definately makes you wonder what other hidden worlds there are to explore within Buffy and Angel's large ensemble cast.
Room Thirteen by
vanillat Spike/Buffy, NC-17, all human AU
Summary: "When they meet there is no conversation. What have they to say to each other now? Any attempt at reconnecting fails miserably, any gesture of kindness seen as mocking. There is no point anymore."
Review: Let it be known that I don't generally read all-human fics. They're really not my thing as it takes some skill to sell the scenario while keeping characterization intact. That said, the emotional content of this fic is sharp and desperate as the reader is drawn into the dissolution of a marriage and friendship. Think S6 Spuffy with a griity, real-world edge. The equation makes for a pretty incredible atmosphere that is both visual and aural. We don't know Buffy and Spike's whole story here, but we feel what they feel - a relationship that's been skewed and perverted from what it once was, but holds the echoes of that past time in the sex they still cling to.
Don't Fall by
erimthar Xander/Renee, ensemble, PG, Season 8 after the events of "Wolves at the Gate"
Summary: Although Renee's death is not averted, she is able to make her way back.
Review: I don't read the Buffy comics, but once again I was drawn into this fic by erimthar's excellent prose. She has a great handle on the dynamic between the core four and that's what I enjoyed most about this story. Buffy and Willow supporting Xander and pulling through the tragedy of Renee's death, one step at a time. Some really interesting Slayer lore is also brought in for the sake of this story, not to mention an amazingly channeled character, Tanta Bren, an elderly OC that's able to conjure some serious magic. Buffy's dry wit was also a fun addition.
Sweet William's Poetry by
cold_gentlemen Angelus/William, NC-17, Pre-Series
Summary: Unabashed PWP. Angelus teaches William some serious lessons about literary quality.
Review: As this was originally written for
feedmykink, it should come as no surprise that there isn't much plot to speak of in this sexy shot. Still, that doesn't take away from the excellent characterization. Angelus, true to form, is at his most sadistic (yay!) and doesn't fail to be creative in the arena of erotic manipulation. There is also a lot of subtle humor in this fic from the reserved note from the cleaning service to William's recitative blunderings. As a bonus, the author even includes a recipe for the concoctions that Angelus introduces in the bedroom and a dirty limerick he composes.
Don't Say Anything by
rebcake Sheila, Anya, R, an AU twist on BtVS S3
Summary: What happened to Sheila after her run in and successful escape from a staking by Buffy in "School Hard?"
Review: This was originally produced for the "bring out your dead" prompt at
still_grrr and then slightly revised. I always do love a good rare character fic and rebcake delivers in this ficlet. She breathes life into the cocky and disturbed Sheila, painting a fantastic picture of what it is to be undead and young in Sunnydale. Sheila's chance meeting with a now human Anya also generates a great twist for the end of this clever and creative story.