It's been another busy weekend. Still trying to get some laundry done, although I will have to continue tomorrow after work, and get groceries, and empty the dishwasher.... but I've had some good times this weekend.
Friday I went to Blue Martini with some people. Quite a few people, actually. It started with April saying she and a couple of people would be going, and she asked if I wanted to go. So I invited some people and they invited some people, and we ended up with a group of 15-20. So it was a lot of fun. They had a really good cover band playing mostly 80s music (fun stuff like I Wanna Sex You Up and My Prerogative), and I got to meet Beth's new boyfriend, who seems really nice. He's much better than the last one, but that's not saying much. She could have introduced me to Scott Peterson and I would have said he was better than Tony. Anyway, that wasn't too late a night... I was home by 10:30. Casey was hanging out at Francisco's house and wanted to stay just a little bit longer, so she got dropped off at home around 11.
Saturday morning I took Casey to
Skyventure, a simulated skydiving experience, as a belated birthday gift. My cousin's brother-in-law and his 2 kids (one being Dana, the girl who is a year younger than Casey and they are really close) came and did it with her. I would have too, except it's $50 a person and I can't afford to pay for both of us. But I told Casey I wanted it for my birthday in August. It looked like so much fun. It's basically this wind tunnel where you can fly. I'm sure you can find videos on Youtube if you're curious. Keith (Dana's dad) bought the package that included pictures and video, so I didn't, but then afterwards it occurred to me that maybe they just took pictures of him and his kids and not the whole group. Not sure... I hope not. I did ask him to send me copies, and I'm hoping Casey will be in them.
So then we went home and I colored my hair. It's much redder than usual. At first I wasn't sure what I thought, but now I like it. Of course I'm sure it will fade. So, I took several pictures with my cell phone last night when I was all made up and ready to go out, but for some reason, when I send them to my email they aren't going through. So just now I took some with my camera. The flash kept washing out my face and I got tired of trying to figure it out. But this one at least shows the color.
I barely managed to finish that before we had to run out the door for Casey's appointment with my brother for an eyebrow waxing. My mom came for a haircut around the same time, so we chatted with her while we waited for the room to be available, and then I left with some discounted shampoo and hair shine stuff.
We stopped at home just long enough for Casey to pack, and then we headed to her Girl Scout leader's house for the annual end of the year sleepover. This year the leader cooked dinner for us moms. It was very good... chicken, pasta, salad, cheesecake, etc., and we all had a nice chat while we ate. The girls are planning a trip to England in 3 years, so she wanted to discuss that with us. There is a Girl Scout headquarters there, and they have special travel packages for scouts. They are planning to sell a ton of cookies, get sponsors, and get creative to find ways to pay for the trip without the parents having to cover any of the costs.
After dinner the girls hopped in the pool and us parents headed out. Christine and I went home to get ready, met up with Rob and the 3 of us went to Bar Louie to take advantage of our kid free night. There ended up being around 10 of us. We had a nice time. By midnight everyone had trickled out and it was just me, Christine and Rob. I was really tired, but Christine still managed to convince me to dance to the live band for a bit before we went home. In the process a few creepy guys came up and danced with me, but I guess that's better than nobody, because Christine and Rob had their own little party going on and I was kind of a 3rd wheel. But I always love to dance, so it was all good. We finally headed out at around 1, and I drove Christine's car because those two were still in party mode, while I was in get me to my bed mode.
I slept until 10 today, at which point I got a text that the girls were ready to be picked up from the sleepover (I had made a deal with Christine that she would drive us to the bar and I would pick the girls up), so I got dressed and went to get them. Dropped Dani off and we went home and watched So You Think You Can Dance while I worked on laundry and balancing my checkbook.
So then I met up with Sharon at the Parliament House, which as I've mentioned before is a gay resort... there's a bar, night club, pool, hotel, etc. Every Sunday afternoon they have a piano bar sing-along, which is basically karaoke but with a piano. Sharon goes pretty much every week and I've been meaning to join her for a while. It was a lot of fun. I met a lot of really awesome people (gay guys are the BEST) and everyone sang incredibly well. So well in fact, I was scared to get up and sing myself. At least with regular karaoke, half the people suck. These people were like broadway freaking stars. But I did sing backup on a few songs. Sharon is an amazing singer and got up there several times. I backed her up on The Rose, along with a sweet gay boy in a speedo and a drag queen. And then speedo boy sang All That Jazz and the drag queen was singing backup and they were looking for one more person, so I jumped up there and sang along.
Speedo boy's name was Michael, and he was awesome. When I first arrived he was (fully clothed and) singing The Wizard and I from Wicked. Later he did a few selections from Avenue Q. I loved him for that because most of the people were singing older songs I didn't know. Well, he came over and introduced himself, saying he'd noticed I was singing along with him, and "I love all these queens, but most of them don't know the contemporary stuff". I told him that my gay brother is not the one in the family who likes musicals, I am, and that also, unfortunately, like my brother, I love gay men. He laughed and said "Well, somehow I think that hasn't worked out as well for you as it has for him." I said that's probably why I'm still single, and he said "Well, I love gay men too and I'm still single. Go figure." Ha ha, he was just really cool. I'm sure I'll go back many times and I hope to get a chance to talk to him again. They were having a raffle and one of the prizes was a Glee DVD, which I really wanted but didn't win. Poo. For my birthday, maybe.
It's gay days in Orlando right now, so there are a lot of activities going on, particularly at the P-House. Tonight is a Blake Lewis concert. You know, the guy from American Idol that did the beat boxing? I really like him and wanted to go back for the show, especially since it would have been free (if you are there earlier in the day and get a wristband, you don't have to pay to come back... and the piano bar thing is free). But then I found out the show is at 1 AM. Ha ha, no way. I have to work tomorrow, plus that's a bad part of town to be in at 1:00.
After that I picked Casey up and we went to visit my dad, who is at home recovering from the surgery on his bladder. He's doing really well, but is not quite ready to leave the house yet. We ordered pizza and chatted for a while, and then headed out at around 7. I dropped Casey off at Francisco's house and went home to continue working on laundry and that checkbook balancing, among other things. Picked her up at 10, told her to put away her laundry and go to bed, and that's that.
So, it's been fun. But I'm wiped. Better get to sleep soon.
But first, I got some pics from Casey's 8th grade awards ceremony. I haven't gotten the professional ones yet, but these were taken by June (Briana's mom).
With their nerdy, no fun allowed principal
There are those sneakers I was talking about. Ha ha.
The parents
And this is one Casey took at the sleepover. I really liked it, so I stole it from her Facebook profile. Hee.